Find out the addons I use and where to get them and save yourself some time by importing my addon configurations and weakaurasFeb 16, 17 · Dungeons Automatically enables combat logging if you're in a raid dungeon and not already logging combat Elsewise disables it Also notifies you of both I wrote this to make SURE the fkin log is ACTIVATED when needed Addons for this seemingly simply aren't reliable anymore and few is more annoying than to beautifully perform on an encounterDec 15, 17 · In an interview with Forbes two months ago, Morgan Day announced they were looking at how combat resurrections function in Mythic Dungeons Now on the 735 PTR, combat resurrections are a shared resource in Mythic Dungeons Update This has now changed to a 10 minute charge timer in Build Learn more about 735 in the Patch 735 Content Hub
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Combat timer weakaura-Jul 29, 14 · Posts 298 Joined Tue Jun 03, 14 1110 am Location Math Land of Madness Re The WeakAuras 2 thread Unread postby nathyiel Tue Jul 29, 14 2 am For the FoF/BF aura, I suggest you go for something like this if it's possible Solution A BF show around 72° and 72° FoF show around 144°, 0° and 144°Sep 15, · 22 WeakAuras Enhanced Interface 23 Creating a Resource Bar 24 Creating Cooldown, Buff and Debuff Trackers 25 Copy and Duplicate Function For Time Saving 26 Finalizing When testing the new ElvUI Interface, I noticed how important WeakAuras actually are for good gameplay Not only the fact that you can execute your rotation much

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An essential AddOn for a Rogue Click Show MorePlease excuse my limited knowledge since it's been a while since I played If memory serves you could have a WeakAura show after a set amount of time, think it would be an invert toggle under the WA's display settings, then set the custom trigger to hide after a duration;Though these might conflict with one another
This WeakAura is my own configured version of two other WeakAuras which I did not create myself It tracks combat rezzes and has a stopwatch integrated into a nicely looking Combat Mechanics Battle Resurrection Simple tracker showing Battle Res timer and charges Works in mythic (always active) and raids (boss encounters) Updated forCombat Timer displays a timer which shows the time until you leave the PvP combat if you don't participate in it (no offensive action, heal or get attacked) The addon is made for rogues and casters to know how long until they approximately get ooc especially in arena or duels So whenever you enter combat the timer counts from 5 to 0Jan , 19 · Dratnos UI Pastebincom text 661 KB raw download clone embed print report Dratnos UI (Updated January 25 21) WeakAuras is a highly customizeable addon that lets you import miniaddons using "import strings" just copy the string, open up your WeakAuras addon with /wa, and click "import" and paste
Jan 29, 19 · This could be anything from how many stacks of Juggernaut you have to how much time is left on your interrupt, to an alert when you are low on mana WeakAuras is for changing the way that information is displayed to make it easier to seeMako's Swing Timer CLASSICWEAKAURA October 7, 322 AM Makoboost 309 views 3 stars 0 comments Swing Timer that turns Red if you are not in Melee Range Only shows in Combat 107 People Learned More Courses ››May 11, · Pastebincom is the number one paste tool since 02 Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time

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Jan 16, 15 · 4 Remaining time and or stackcount If you type in a time (just use numbers, no letters, in seconds) or a number of stacks, weak auras will only show you your aura if the remaining time and/or number of stacks matches with your preset An example I want to know when my Flame Shock expires 9 seconds in advanceI'm trying to get weakauras set up, and for some reason even though I can preview my timers and they look good, they will not display when the triggers obtain I have not checked any additional load conditions,so I am a bit perplexed "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" ~Berthold AuerbachJul 31, 19 · When an Event trigger is made, WA counts each time the specified event occurs This could reset on the Aura loading, allowing users to have the count reset on combat, or encounter, or even zone, etc Event triggers would include a "count" setting so that people can specify a count on which to activate, but also, without using that setting, the

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May 12, · 2 Open the wa pannel /wa , go to new , click on "Icon" then select the new weakaura called New Go to the Trigger section and where it says Type , by default it should be Aura , you need to select Status Below that , select Action Usable and where it says Spell , type Wild Growth If you want to have it show up only when you are in combatThe current WeakAura packs are built for the Shadowlands Beta, though it works for 90 prepatch In short, there is some slight differences how WeakAura pulls the cooldown text timers A simple fix if you see double cooldown text on the 90 prepatch 1 Select all the abilities WeakAura (holding Shift Left click) 2 Go into the 'DisplaySep 30, 14 · It will instantly appear when someone is dead and display their name (even multiple people It disappears when your combat res is on CD (Should work for druid/warlock/DK, though only tested druid) It disappears when the people are not dead You can use the built in WA check boxes to show only in combat or all the time

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Apr 15, · In my example, Avenging Wrath shows immediately on entering combat with the glow I use Avenging Wrath and the icon disappears The icon reappears with the cooldown timer showing 15 seconds prior to it coming off CD, and then it shows fully displayed with glow once off CD Hope that helps!Nov 23, · Mako's Swing Timer CLASSICWEAKAURA October 7, 322 AM Makoboost 309 views 3 stars 0 comments Swing Timer that turns Red if you are not in Melee Range Only shows in Combat 419 People Learned More Courses ›› View Course The best WeakAuras for WoW Classic Blizzard WatchApr 24, 18 · Making sakawaHelp me out with a dona

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Aug 22, 19 · Swing Timer now handles ranged weapons again and resets on skills that reset it, like Slam Character Stats combat ratings and all unknown functions were removed, Spell Resistances were added Health Absorb and incoming Heal support were removed Stance triggers allow multiple selections, for Warriors etcJul 08, 19 · Hi, just to update the option 3 based on my own research I tried a couple of things and later asked the guys in the WeakAuras discord I guess the smartest way is to use the weak aura already present but then add another condition to the already existing condition (just like described in option 2) and then write a small code which prevents the trigger to be activated during the remaining timeJun 15, 21 · General Advice Keep an eye on mob health and plan for Bursting stacks It is a common misconception that you should always be aiming to keep Bursting stacks low (around 34) to allow the healer time to keep everyone up In reality, most healers can easily heal 68 stacks if it is planned and the DoT is not extended

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May 03, 21 · Combat Rogue Weak Auras v10 Hi there guys I'd like to introduce myself before explaining what I'm about to share I'm Lunminas, a Disco Priest main from the guild , I've been playing on Warmane for around 3 to 4 years now with some experience on retail This Weak Auras was made in attempt to fulfill something that's been missing from the contemporary WrathMay 24, 21 · Weakaura is an extremely powerful and must have addon for TBCC The addon allows you to import custom made "mods" by other players in the community These can range from a simple bouncing icon of an ability you need to refresh, consumables to refresh, or a swing timer which will be required for all huntersI know how to make simple WA for spell, buff and debuffs, but the more complex that involves coding, i have

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Mar 09, 21 · WeakAuras2 is an extremely flexible WoW addon, with near limitless creative potential and control, capable of modifying or replacing nearly any part of the user interface In this guide, we will explain how to use WeakAuras, make your own auras, and go over some best Outlaw Rogue WeakAuras to get you startedSep 19, 18 · M Volcanic Affix Announcer And Counter Announces every single volcanic fail to the party chat, counts them, displays them and listsBuff Duration Weakaura Getting Started Open up your spellbook and go to your spells for a buff ability Since I'll be using my racial ability in the next WA tutorial, I'll use it here, too In my case, that's Now, open up Weakauras by typing /wa Click "New" on

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Weakaura/Addon that can show text at specific times into the fight There are a lot of fights in Nighthold that are time rather than boss health based does anyone know if there is a weakaura or addon that shows how many seconds have passed into the fight AND you can set it to display words like "cast Heal Tide now" at specific times?Feb , 17 · assignment Copy WEAKAURA import string help Imported by FoTMIllidan Feb th 17 Legion 715 38 stars 722 views 3267 installs more_vert Description Included Auras 0 comments 1 collection Code Review Embed Editor Edit Combat Time Table dataNov 01, 16 · I'm a bit confused about the issue because at the moment in the weakauras you have the duration of the buff (the timer on the left with 73 seconds remaining) this timer will be there even if you are not standing on the rune

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This shows a bright icon with duration timer if the person you are targeting used a FAP/LIP/LAP near you Handy in PvP in case you don't notice the potion spell particles right away This was an existing weakaura but I tweaked it to add Living Action Potions for phase 4 You can import it here FAP/LIP/LAP trackerDec 23, · This WeakAura's purpose is only to make it easier and faster to estimate if your troops are enough for this combat, not to simulate the whole fight It can also be used to determine how wounded your troops are likely to come back from the mission, based on the estimationIt will request the timer and combat status information from other DBM users in your raid group and you get your timers back Infoframes that is used to show fight overviews or specific mechanics related to fight to help give you need to know information at a quick glance

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May 19, 17 · Combat timer Weak Aura Hey guys, Is it possible to make a Weakaura that starts a timer everytime u enter in comabt e reset it when u leave it?Mar 31, 09 · Power Auras is a customizable addon that allows you to add auras, timers, etc to your UI so that you know what's going on with your rotation, cooldowns, and just about anything else you can think of For Samuel, I use it to tell me 3 things If I need to reapply poisons A timerA Holy Paladin guide for raid and mythic content in World of Warcraft This guide covers everything you need to know for healing in dungeons and raid as a holy paladin, including optimal dps and hps rotations, stat priority, gearing, how to use wings, dungeon walkthroughs, boss strategies and much more

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Just get a combat timer weakaura Details also has an option to show combat time We use this for mythic ghuun orbs as well since they need to be dunked at particular times in the fight to avoid some bad overlaps 1 share Report Save level 1 2 years agoMUST HAVE AddOn that adds a timer for Slice and Dice, showing you the exact duration left on your ability!May 31, 21 · Slash Commands /ctt opens options menu /ctt help prints all slash commands /ctt reset reset the tracker to 0 (this happens automatically when you enter combat or start a boss) /ctt resetfull sets the tracker to default settings /ctt lock either lock or unlock the tracker frame /ctt show shows the tracker if it's hidden

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